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Division Honors Members

Providing practical information to the converting and packaging industries —a Communication from the Polymers, Laminations, and Coatings Div. of TAPPI

At its recent conference in Orlando, Florida, the PLACE Division of TAPPI honored various members for their volunteer work. Otto M. Plassman of BP Koeln GmbH received a Certificate of Appreciation for his role as Conference Chairperson for the TAPPI Ninth European PLACE Conference. The meeting drew a record number of attendees, offered an excellent technical program, and received extremely high ratings from registrants. Rich Allen of Mica Corp. also received a Certificate of Appreciation for his work as the Technical Program Chairman for the 2003 TAPPI PLACE Conference and GLOBAL HOT MELT Symposium. In addition to his work at this meeting, Allen also provided valuable assistance for the program at the 2002 TAPPI PLACE Conference.

Outgoing Committee Chairpersons also received Certificates of Appreciation for service in this capacity in 2002-2003 for their respective committees. Gary D. Cheney of Equistar Chemicals L.P. for Extrusion Coating Committee, George Panagopoulos, Jr., of ExxonMobil Chemical Co. for Film Extrusion Committee, Richard D. Campbell for Flexible Packaging Committee, Robert T. Sentman of BP Chemicals, Inc., for High Barrier Committee, and George N. Altounian of Eastman Chemical Co. for Hot Melt Committee were the recipients of these honors.

In recognizing the above people, Jeffrey J. Wooster of The Dow Chemical Co., who is the division Chairperson, said, “The success of the PLACE Division of TAPPI is definitely the result of the hard work of its volunteers. These Certificates of Appreciation are small tokens of the great indebtedness and sincere gratitude of our division.”

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