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Menges Roller Expands Chill Roll Division


WAUCONDA, IL | Menges Roller announces the expansion of its Heat Transfer Roll division with the purchase of an advanced-technology Toolmex TUR930-1100MN lathe capable of manufacturing heat transfer rolls to 20 ft long and to 8,800 lbs. 

The new high-capacity CNC lathe has state-of-the-art computer interfaces and exact machining capabilities and seamlessly integrates with company’s CAD (computer-aided design) department. When the engineering team completes its final thermal modeling and design for a heat/chill roll, the roll’s schematics can be uploaded directly to the machine. Additionally, with this machine’s advanced milling functions, roller shafts, outer shells and internal components can all be made to very exact tolerances. This machine can fabricate components that are accurate to one-tenth of one-thousandth of an inch).

According to company president Matt Menges, “Heat transfer roll popularity is definitely increasing, especially in the packaging sector—but we’re also seeing engineers across all of our industries experiment more and more with these rolls. They’re thinking, ‘why wait for my stock to cool naturally…I’ll just put in a chill roll and speed up production by 10 percent.’ [So] our expansion is simply a response to our customers’ needs.”

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