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Brewing Label Excellence: Miller Honors NorthStar Print Again

WATERTOWN, WI, USA—NorthStar Print Group reports it's earned Miller Brewing Company's "Partners in Excellence" award for the sixth consecutive year. The co. was honored again for its performance in 2002.

"The employees of Northstar Print Group continuously have provided Miller with high-quality goods and services," says Jerry Schiedt, VP of purchasing at Miller. "We are pleased to recognize their efforts and hard work with this award. It makes our job of producing high-quality products so much easier when we are able to work with first-rate organizations such as NorthStar."

Initiated in 1988, Miller's "Partners in Excellence" awards program recognizes suppliers that excel in quality, innovation, service, and cost competitiveness. This year, says NorthStar, only 39 awards were bestowed to suppliers throughout North America—from a field of more than 8,500 Miller suppliers.

Adds NorthStar president/CEO Richard Gasper, "We are proud of our long-standing relationship with Miller Brewing and are dedicated to providing them with the highest-quality labels and service in the industry. Being recognized as one of Miller's top suppliers for six consecutive years is something all of our employees take great pride in; [we're] dedicated to providing all [our] customers with superior performance—on their terms."

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