
Digital Magazine

By Popular Demand: Labelexpo Americas to Add Show Day

Labelexpo Americas 2004
September 13 -16, 2004
Chicago, IL, USA

LONDON, U.K.—Organizer of Labelexpo Americas 2004 Tarsus Group reports "increasing demand from exhibitors and visitors has led to an extra day being added" to the North American exhibition.

Tarsus says among those pleased with its decision to extend the venue: John Bankson, TLMI president and CEO/president of Label Technology Inc.: "An extra day at Labelexpo Americas 2004 offers an added opportunity to research properly the new technologies and equipment narrow web suppliers offer during the show—also to spend more time attending the very useful seminar program."

Ferdinand Rüesch, owner of Gallus agrees: "It is essential Labelexpo Americas is expanded to four days in order to get maximum benefit out of the show." As does Mark Andy marketing manager Mary Sullivan: "Extended show dates will allow more travel flexibility for converters and printers to attend."

Adds Nilpeter sales director Jakob Landberg, "Extending Labelexpo Americas by an extra day will give us more time to meet our valuable partners and to show them the new solutions [we] can offer in narrow web printing; …an extra day will ease some of the hecticness and add value to the event."

For more information about the Labelexpo series, visit worldoflabels.com.

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