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FFTA Targets Better Box Print

RONKONKOMA, NY, USA—"There are major changes in store for the flexographic corrugated industry [this year] and beyond." That's according to the Foundation of the Flexographic Technical Association (FFTA), and that's what members are going to be discussing at an FFTA corrugated/preprint session, which is slated for May 7, (8 am to 11:30 am), Washington, DC.

According to FFTA, Holger Neumann, BASF Corp., and Mike Flinn, Scope Packaging, Inc., will co-chair the session. Featuring five speakers on a wide array of subjects, the session topics, Neumann reports, are ones that could give corrugated printers ideas about how to reduce costs and production time and increase quality. Says Flinn, "We picked these people because we felt their presentations would help flexo companies be more efficient."

FFTA's Corrugated Market Overview, discussed above, is slated for day three of the largest annual gathering of flexographic printers and converters in the world, says the association. The forum kicks off on Sunday, May 5, with its Info-Flex exhibit and Excellence in Flexography awards banquet. For more information about the full program, visit flexography.org/online/meetings/forum, or you can call 631/737-6020.

FFTA's 2002 Forum will be held at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, DC. Online registration forms can be obtained at flexography.org/online/meetings/forum/register.cfm.

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