
Digital Magazine

UV and EB: Making the Trek into Energy Curing

Electron beam accelerator, electrodeless microwave ultraviolet bulbs… Neither of these exotic-sounding expressions figured in a conversation between Captain Kirk and Scottie or Jean Luc Picard and Jordy (though either one certainly sounds as if it could). But all three are part of the “energy curing” language that soon may become part of your operation's vernacular — as you contemplate and/or enter the radiation curing frontier.

Sheet Fed Lithography: Hammer Lithographic

Hammer Lithographic is a company that knows how to focus for success. When it decided to tackle the difficult job of converting sheet-fed BOPP, that ability proved invaluable.

How One Converter Mastered Sheet-Fed Films

With a supplier alliance and four years of homework, Hammer Lithographic adds sheet-fed BOPP to its operation successfully.

Doctor Blades: Making the Most of Mission Critical

Doctor blades are mission critical, asserts Tom Allison, president of Allison Systems Corporation, Riverside, NJ. In today's converting/printing products

Odd Shape? Odd Substrate? You Might Try Pad Printing

Although this column primarily covers conventional printing processes, I do occasionally receive questions about processes that are less common, such

Digital News

News from: American IS&T, DAX, DPI 2001, GASC, GretagMacbeth, Heidelberg, Hilgraeve, IPA, VuePoint, and Xaar.

Forging Ahead into the Digital Printing Frontier

The spirited converter Beau Label always has taken pride in its pioneering ways. Now, the company is pushing its printing parameters even farther with a brand new Indigo digital offset color press.

Inspection System Balances Print Quality with Economy

A 1998 acquisition gave the Teich Group a foothold in Poland. Now, the addition of an AVT print defect detection system on a Schiavi press is saving time, reducing waste, and enhancing print quality.

Assessing Inks, Dealing with DigitalThe NPIRI Conference

The National Printing Ink Research Institute (NPIRI) held its 44th Technical Conference in October in Pine Mountain, GA. The well-attended event included

Printer Helps Customers Manage Printing Needs

Wallace Computer Services prints business forms, labels, and promotional materials for its customers and offers them a way to save money through print management.

Roll Cleaning Systems: Taking Advantage of Technology

Is your operation's roll cleaning system like the "dishwasher" my family used to have when I was a kid? When asked if we had one, my mother would reply

Technology Puts Converter "In-Line" for More Success

Phoenix Packaging, which made its name with in-line technology for producing popcorn bags, is taking its innovative ways into other areas.

A Q&A on Remanufactured Equipment: Is It for You?

Today's consumers pay as much attention to the package as they do to what's in it. So brand managers and print buyers demand higher quality graphics,

Canadian Banknote Installs Brookfield Viscometers

MISSISSAUGA, ONT., CANADACanadian Bank Note Intl. (CBN), a 50-employee printing operation specializing in lottery and gaming tickets for governments,

Flexography Comes of Age and Keeps on Growing

What do flexography and lemonade have in common? Let's see. From humble beginnings 100 years ago as aniline printing, flexo is now the fastest-growing

Sun Chemical HD Plates

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