
Digital Magazine

India's Rising Star

Positive Packaging's reputation for quality is backed by a stable of Cerutti gravure presses.

Flex-Pack Converter Has a Clear View...

to the future. Although consolidation is making it more difficult for independent converters to compete, a BST Pro Mark Genius Digital web inspection system is helping Kendall Packaging thrive.

It's a Color Thing

And a speed thing, too. If you're a package printer, you know what I'm talking about and so do your proofing suppliers. The pressure on time to market

Standing the Test of Time: A Look at PFFC's 75-Year History

Expanded Online Version: Things that withstand 75 years certainly deserve to commemorate the anniversary with a glittering, valuable reminder of a hard-earned and fruitful longevity; perhaps that's why the diamond signifies 75 years.

Standing the Test of Time with Paper, Film & Foil CONVERTER

In the beginning, there were precious few magazines to rival the editorial coverage of a fledgling The Envelope Industry. The date was March 1927, and


1920s and 1930s 1940s 1960s 1970 - 1973 1974 - 1976 1977 - 1979 1980s 1990 - April 1993 May 1993 - 1994 1995 - 19992000 to present The 1950s...Known as

Our Newest Rivals

Squeezed profit margins, downsized print buyers, and single sourcing -- this potent combination is turning general commercial printers into... Our Newest Rivals.

Redefining Plasticizers in Inks and Coatings

The dictionary defines plasticizers as any of various substances added to plastics or other materials to keep them soft or pliable. For the purpose of

Creo & KBA Partnership to Continue Digital Printing Development

Creo reports it has signed a multi-year contract with Koenig & Bauer (KBA) for on-press thermal imaging technology.

Flexo Fabulous

The Flexographic Technical Association presented 127 prizes in its annual Excellence in Flexography Awards Competition. Winners were announced May 5 during the FTA's annual forum, held at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, D.C.

An Envelope-Maker's Primer

How to Avoid the Way of the “Buggy Whip”: For today's envelope makers — a niche hugely impacted by electronic communication and plagued by overcapacity—such a primer would serve as a valuable tool.

Mail-Well Unveils Rub-n-Reveal Direct-Mail Envelope Technology

Mail-Well, Inc., reports it recently introduced the advertising industry's first invisible interactive direct mail technology. According to the envelope manufacturer, the "Rub-n-Reveal" technology "magically reveals hidden messages, images, or graphics on an envelope when activated by the recipient.

Focus on Crosslinking in Fluid Ink Systems

Crosslinkers are an important class of additives ink and coating formulators use to enhance properties. These materials must be selected carefully to

Thriving on Gravure & Location

Located in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (pop. 430,000) Mipa S.A. is the only flex-pack converter in the entire nation. Its plant is comfortably nestled

PLGA Annual Conference News

Fifth Conference Proves PLGA Growing Up Quickly

Sun Chemical HD Plates

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