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FTA INFO*FLEX Was a Record-Setter


BOHEMIA, NY | The Flexographic Technical Assn. reports the 31st annual INFO*FLEX exhibition welcomed 1,600 delegates from every segment of the packaging, printing, and converting industry. The event took place April 29–30 at the San Diego Convention Center Sails Pavilion and featured a record 205 exhibitors occupying 247 booth spaces and 1,600 attendees from 26 countries.

Attendees and exhibitors enjoyed a Social Blues Networking Reception on the adjacent outside terrace overlooking San Diego Bay and were treated to a display of the 104 winning print samples that resulted in Bronze, Gold, Silver, or Best of Show designations from the 2013 Excellence in Flexography Awards Competition.

FTA says about 165 exhibit spaces (a re-sign record) have been booked for the next INFO*FLEX Exhibition, scheduled for April 28–29, 2014, at the Baltimore Convention Center in Baltimore, MD. This represents a 70% occupied show floor.

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