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Graph Expo Begins: GASC Says Attendance Figures Ahead of 2000

Graphic Arts Show Company (GASC) producer of Graph Expo and Converting Expo, says its registration figures indicate the number of companies sending reps to the show this year is more than 14 percent higher than company registration levels at this same time relative to the show dates in 2000.

Bemis Finishes Walki Films Buy

Bemis Company, global converter of flexible packaging and pressure-sensitive materials, reports the completion of the purchase of Walki Films from UPM-Kymmene.

NAPL Says Sustained Recovery Eluding Printing Industry

National Association for Printing Leadership forecasts a sporadic and slow, rather than a steady, recovery

Suppliers Predict Strong 2003 Recovery

Converting machinery and materials suppliers reportedly believe their economic sector will improve by a 13 percent average in 2003. That's according to a recent survey conducted by CMM Events...

3M Realigns Business Units

3M reports a strategic realignment of its organization. The global manufacturer/converter and supplier to the converting industry says its reorganization will better serve its customers.

Valmet Awarded $5 MIL (US) Dubai Polyfilm Contract

Valmet Converting reports a recent order (for a range of converting equipment) in excess of $5 million (US) was received from Dubai Polyfilm, United Arab Emirates.

Galileo Intros "Gold" Line

Galileo Vacuum Systems introduces its new line of aluminum metallizers, the Gold Line, a converting equipment line targeted toward the very wide web market.

Chromas/Aquaflex Names New Biz Development Director

Chromas/Aquaflexo, the Canada-based flexographic press manufacturer, says its new director of business development, Chris Faust, will help the company redefine its offerings and message.

MeadWestvaco to Close Envelope and Flex-Pack Plants

MeadWestvaco Corp. reports it will close two manufacturing plants in Springfield, MA, and consolidate its Northeast envelope operations by "creating a single, high-powered manufacturing center in Enfield, CT."

Bayer BP Intros Enhanced Tamper-Resistant Packaging

Bayer Biological Products (BP) reports this month it introduces seal tabs on all boxes containing Gamimune N, Immune Globuline Intravenous (Human), 10 percent Solvent/Detergent Treated.

Pactiv to Buy Majority in Jaguar Corp.

US-based packaging manufacturer Pactiv announces an agreement to buy 70 percent of Mexico-based thermoformer Central de Bolsas, S.A. C.V. (Jaguar Corporation), the sale to close in October 2002.


1920s and 1930s1940s1950s1960s1970 - 19731974 - 19761977 - 19791980s1990 - April 1993May 1993 - 19941995 - 1999 2000 and Beyond...Y2K, 9/11, Enron --

CEMA Votes to Merge with AIMCAL

Members of CEMA (Converting Equipment Manufacturers Association) have voted to join The Association of Industrial Metallizers, Coaters, and Laminators (AIMCAL); the merger of the two converting industry trade groups was voted on recently (at CEMA's fall meeting).

PPC Seminar to Survey Digital Printing Impact on Folding Carton Converters

The Paperboard Packaging Council (PPC) will provide a look at digital's impact on the folding carton converting industry at its upcoming fall technical and production (T&P) forum (Nov. 7 and 8, 2002).

1995 -1999

1920s and 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970 - 1973 1974 - 1976 1977 - 1979 1980s 1990 - April 1993 May 1993 - 19942000 to present The Mid to Late 1990s...In

1974 - 1976

1920s and 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970 - 1973 1977 - 1979 1980s 1990 - April 1993 May 1993 - 1994 1995 - 1999 2000 to present The Mid-1970s...January


1920s and 1930s 1940s 1950s 1970 - 1973 1974 - 1976 1977 - 1979 1980s 1990 - April 1993 May 1993 - 1994 1995 - 1999 2000 to present The 1960s...Russia


1920s and 1930s 1950s 1960s 1970 - 1973 1974 - 1976 1977 - 1979 1980s 1990 - April 1993 May 1993 - 1994 1995 - 1999 2000 to present The 1940s...Despite

1990 - April 1993

1920s and 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970 - 1973 1974 - 1976 1977 - 1979 1980s May 1993 - 1994 1995 - 1999 2000 to present The Early 90s...After years of

Mitsubishi Ups PET Price

A major polyester (PET) film producer, Mitsubishi Polyester Films LLC (Americas), announces a price hike for all PET grades, effective mid-September 2002.

WGMT Launches: Women Target Market for Graphic Media

Raine Consulting and IDEAlliance have launches a new industry association for women. WGMT (wgmt.com) will serve professional women in the graphic media and technology fields.

1977 - 1979

1920s and 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970 - 1973 1974 - 1976 1980s 1990 - April 1993 May 1993 - 1994 1995 - 1999 2000 to present The Late 1970s...January

May 1993 - 1994

1920s and 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970 - 1973 1974 - 1976 1977 - 1979 1980s 1990 - April 1993 1995 - 1999 2000 to present The Mid-1990s...May 199313th

<Pack Expo May Help Converters with Competitive Edge

Pack Expo International 2002 will feature machinery and materials exhibitions for converters and package printers. The November 3 to 7, 2002, packaging trade show at McCormick Place, Chicago, IL, USA, will include new introductions in slitting and rewinding, bag making (bag machinery), and pouch-making machinery.

Narrow Web Gets Its Own Place at CMM Intl. 2003

CMM Events and FTA (Flexographic Technical Association) say they have joined forces "to provide narrow web and tag and label machinery and materials suppliers with a very cost-effective method of showcasing their products and technologies at [CMM]."

NAPL Digital Prepress Study Offers Cost Analysis

The National Association for Printing Leadership's "Blue Book" provides digital prepress cost analysis for the printing and converting industries. More than 250 prepress companies' offerings are represented in the survey.

Luxe Pack in Monaco: Luxury Packaging Shows Creative Foiling Solutions

October 23 to 26, 2002, the Grimaldi Forum at the Principality of Monaco will host the 15th annual Luxe Pack, the trade show geared toward luxury goods packaging for fragrances, cosmetics, jewelry, food, wines and spirits, and tobacco.

Rohm and Haas to Intro Total Packaging Solutions at Pack Expo

Rohm and Haas introduce "Total Packaging Solutions" adhesives at upcoming packaging global packaging shows: Pack Expo in Chicago, IL, November 2002, and at Emballage 2002, Paris, France.

Comco and UV Technology Go ISO

MILFORD, OH -- Comco and UV Technology, both divisions of Mark Andy, announce the divisions' official certification to the ISO 9001 standard as of August

Labelexpo Americas Doing Fine

In more ways than one, Labelexpo Americas exhibited the true American spirit yesterday and today. At noon September 11, 2002, show organizer Tarsus, as well as the 400-plus exhibitors and hundreds of attendees, observed a three-minute silence (in conjunction with the nearby City of Chicago) to honor those who died at Ground Zero and at the Pentagon on this date last year. And then the show continued on.

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