
Digital Magazine

RFID Technology To Replace Supply Chain


DALLAS, TX— A new report sponsored by the North of England Inward Investment Agency (NEIIA) concludes that RFID technology could become a catalyst for deeper collaboration between companies and lead to the formation of "supplier networks" that could replace today's linear supply chains. Titled "RFID Comes of Age" and written by The Economis Magazine's Intelligence Unit, the report explores some problems for companies looking to exploit RFID technology for commercial advantage. It looks at where RFID is likely to have the greatest impact over the next few years, as well as some of the broader challenges confronting the industry.

The report identified product safety and healthcare as other areas where RFID could play an important role. The paper references items with a high cost of failure or confusion where embedded smart tags could help. It also suggests legislatures regulating the use of RFID tags should require them to be de-activated at point-of-sale to remove privacy concerns rather than require the permanent "killing" of stored data. This way, users could have the opportunity to opt-in to post-sales uses that benefit both them and the business using the technology.

For more information about North England, visit northengland.com. For a copy of "RFID Comes of Age," contact Alexsis Wilkes at 212/780-1900, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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