
Digital Magazine

GEW Wins FlexoTech Environmental Innovation Award


SURREY, ENGLAND—GEW has won the FlexoTech Environmental Innovation Award for its e-system UV curing concept designed to provide energy savings and a total system approach to radiation curing. The Award recognizes companies designing products considered to enhance the living and working environments.

Empirical data submitted by GEW compared the operation of a traditional transformer powered UV system versus the electronic system with significant energy and cost savings. Assuming an annual power cost of 0.055 £/kW hr and an annual running time of 3,600 hours, a transformer powered UV lamp will cost the printer £1,586 while the electronic system will operate at £1,047 giving equivalent performance. Accordingly the e-system will provide a running cost saving of 14.9 pence/hour/10kW lamp.

For more information, see www.gewuv.com.

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