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Bolton Emerson Expands into New Industries


SALEM, NH | Bolton Emerson Americas, a manufacturer of pulping, broke recycling, coating, and laminating equipment, is expanding beyond the pulp and paper industry it has served for more than 100 years.

The company, now under new ownership, reports its Tornado pulping machinery and Emerson Claflin refiners are proving productive in a wide range of industries that need clean, homogenous material for feedstock. 

To concentrate on these new opportunities while better serving its customers in the pulp and paper industry, the new Bolton Emerson has divested its ancillary product lines and relocated to modern facilities in Salem. From there the company will supply customers with finished machines and wear parts, such as rotors and stators for the Tornado and fillings, beaters, and bars for Jordan and Emerson Claflin refiners. The Salem headquarters is home to engineering, machine assembly, research and development, and spare parts inventories.

The new Bolton Emerson management team brings extensive experience in the recycling and renewable energy fields, as well as in manufacturing. New president David Kelley is also a top executive in precious metal recovery firms PGM Technologies (US) and 3D Recovery Europe (Germany).

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