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Sheeter Upgrade from Montalvo is Record-Breaker

GORHAM, ME | The Montalvo Corp. reports a sheeter web control upgrade
resulted in a customer who set a world record for an eight-pocket sheeter of 399 tons/day.

The retrofit consisted of Montalvo load cell-based X-3000 Series tension controllers, Montalvo V-510 brakes, and Montalvo T-Series load cells that took the place of the customer's original dancer control assembly. Because this enabled increased speeds and the ability to run larger rolls, the customer then asked for a larger braking system and tension controllers with increased capability. This allowed the operators to handle e-stops by adding an additional spike of air pressure to the brakes to keep the web tight as the rolls came to a fast stop. The larger brakes not only provided more torque capacity, they reportedly also dissipated much more heat.

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