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Extrusion Coating Committee News

The Extrusion Coating committee is the largest committee in the Polymers, Laminations and Coatings Division. It is concerned with the process, equipment and materials related to extrusion or co-extrusion coating of polymer resins to paper, films, metal, and other substrates. The group conducts an educational short course annually, participates in the annual Polymers, Laminations and Coatings Conference, and reviews relevant test methods. A recent accomplishment of the committee was to update the Extrusion Coating Manual published by TAPPI PRESS. Thomas Bezigian of Great Lakes Technologies LLC edited this fourth edition published in 1999.

Ginger Cushing of Mica Corp. is the current Chairperson for the committee. She notes, "The committee's popularity relates directly to the many activities the group undertakes." Assisting her are Gary Cheney of Equistar Chemicals as Technical Program Chairperson, Beth Wells of Black Clawson as Short Course Chairperson, and Lou Piffer of Egan David-Standard as Secretary. Gary Jerdee of Chevron Chemical Co. is Vice Chairperson.

The goals of the Extrusion Coating Committee for 2000-2001 are as follows:

  • Conduct the annual Extrusion Coating short course on February 12-14, 2001, at the Crowne Plaza Market Center Hotel in Dallas, TX
  • Develop at least six technical sessions and at least one panel or roundtable session for the annual Polymers, Laminations and Coatings Conference in San Diego, CA, on August 26-30, 2001
  • Encourage more participation by converters of products involving the extrusion coating process or materials
  • Review two TAPPI test methods
The first test method is Provisional Test Method T 552, "Determiniation of wetting tension of polyolefin films and coated surfaces via the mayer rod technique." Four companies participated in round robin testing to help write a precision statement for the test method. The next step requires ballotting committee members for approval and comments. Cushing is Task Group Chairperson for this work.

The second test method is Draft #1 of Test Method T 698 cm-91, "Determination of wetting tension of polyethylene and polypropylene films and coatings (modified Visking analytical)." This is now in the ballotting process. Mike Potts of Dow Chemical USA is Task Group Chairperson.

The Extrusion Coating Committee invites anyone interested in its activities to join its ranks. "New members will have the opportunity to participate in a very active industry group that focuses on extrusion coating technology," according to Cushing. In the future, the committee may expand its goals to include creation of a website, compilation of an on-line directory, development of new test methods, publication of technical information papers, and similar activities. Anyone who has questions about the committee or wishes to join should contact Cushing by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by telephone at 203/922-8888.

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