
Digital Magazine

Psssst! Pass the Secret(s) On

From the Editor

Want to know a secret? Like the converting industry, the whole trade journal business is a mystery to many people. When people ask me what I do for a living, I tell them I’m an editor for a trade journal. They usually get a surprised look on their faces. I can’t help wondering, “Is it because I don’t have that je ne se quois “magnetism” or “fascination” that a real editor ought to have, or is it because they don’t meet many editors, and I’m a member of a rare breed?”

Next they usually get a pouty lower lip and raise their eyebrows, after which I explain quickly, “Oh, I’m no one famous. You’ll never see my magazine on the newsstand or anything.” The typical challenging response is, “Oh, so what’s the name of your magazine? Maybe I’ve heard of it.” On rare occasions, they actually have heard of the magazine, but most often–once I get through the long-winded explanation of what each letter PFFC stands for—I usually describe what a “converter” does or doesn’t do, such as change religions so frequently that a magazine is devoted to the subject.

By the time I’m finished with this explanation, they’ve lost all interest in what I do or what YOU do by way of PFFC’s coverage of the industry, and the conversation has drifted on to more familiar topics, like the last vacation spot we enjoyed.

On that rare occasion when someone does understand what I’m talking about, we both can’t help becoming so immersed in our conversation that we exclude everyone else.

While our industry and what it does may be among the best-kept secrets from most of the worldwide consuming public, there’s no reason why you as PFFC readers should remain in the dark about what the magazine’s mission statement is or what the editors plan to cover in future issues.

PFFC’s mission | to offer a solid four-corner foundation to assist our readers to become more efficient, productive, profitable, and knowledgeable about their manufacturing practices and global competitive environment through newsworthy feature articles on technology and marketing trends, product and news departments, and monthly columnists who provide consistent editorial value.

When we fall short of this mission, we’d like to hear about it. On the same token, we’d like to hear from you when you feel we have met or exceeded this mission, and when you can advise us on how new editorial features might serve your needs. And while it’s no secret to our advertisers, whose paid marketing messages permit this magazine to reach qualified individuals on a complimentary basis, PFFC publishes an Editorial Calendar each year that’s accessible from our website (click here). It can be found under the red tab labeled “For Advertisers,” then click on “Calendar.” Here you’ll find those topics the editors have committed to covering throughout the year.

Speaking of our advertisers, they are a tremendous source of technical information, and the editors have received countless leads from them for stories we have published over the 80 years PFFC has served as the voice of the converting industry. It’s for this reason the magazine established many years ago an annual tradition all its own to allow advertisers to write their own stories in our “Trade Show in Print” (TSIP), starting on p54.

With the challenges of budgetary cuts for travel to exhibitions, many converters have found that TSIP is a great way to keep current with technological advances from the leading suppliers in our industry. And they can learn from the comfort of their own office chairs.

While the average Joe or Mary may have no idea what a converter is or does, it is the goal of PFFC to keep our readers fully informed on all aspects of their industry.

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To read more editorials by Yolanda Simonsis, visit our Editorial Archives.

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