
Digital Magazine

What's New in Narrow Web

All of the items in What's New in Narrow Web were featured at Labelexpo Europe, 2001, which was held September 26–29 in Brussels, Belgium.

Corona Treater Has Quick-Change Feature
Vetaphone, Fabriksvej, Denmark; ph: +45 755261133; fax: +45 75526207.
The TOU4 QCC compact corona treater station, designed for narrow web applications, offers treatment widths of 50-500 mm. Features the patented Quick-Change-Cartridge System. Electrode is mounted in a pull-out/push-in cartridge said to enable quick and easy cleaning or changing. Stations are equipped with four ceramic electrodes for treatment of both electrically conductive substrates and nonconductive film.

Screen-Printing Stencil Has Many Benefits
Meshtec AG, Leingarten, Germany; ph: +49 713190250-0; fax: +49 713190250-29.
The Pro-Mesh® screen-printing stencil for rotary label printing is designed for cylindrical printing forms. Made of nickel-plated stainless steel wire mesh, stencil is said to offer quality, coverage, precision of detail, color intensity, and efficiency. Reportedly brings trouble-free printing at an excellent cost/performance ratio.

Clean Label Stock, and Keep It Clean
AB Kelva, Lund, Sweden; ph: +46 46306000; fax: +46 046304913.
Label Clean is described as a new generation of web cleaners for label stock. Said to remove 95%-98% of all contamination. Incorporated anti-static system stops dust from being re-attracted to the cleaned web, co. adds. Operates with a polymer roller, lifting and transferring the dust to a replaceable adhesive roller. Polymer roller is shaped to have good contact with the web, even at low pressure, according to mfr. Designed to be easy to install on new machines or to retrofit into existing machines.

Check UV Lamps Quickly and Easily
4D Controls Ltd., Cornwall, U.K.; ph: +44 (0)1209214400; fax: +44 (0)1209314415.
Sola-Check and Sola-Scope 2000 are hand-held UV test and measurement devices developed for the printing industry. Both reportedly enable users to assess the state of UV lamps on a press quickly and easily. Sola-Check is programmable to measure correct and exact curing window waveband. LED indicators provide easy view for operators.

Cold UV System Offers Economical Operation
GEW Ltd., Surrey, England; ph: +44 (0) 1737 824500; Fax: +44 (0) 1737 823822.
The Variable Curing Platform (VCP) cold UV system has been developed for use with narrow web printing and coating to 21.5 in. The modular VCP is said to be compact, economical, and flexible, and mfr. adds the cold reflector minimizes heat while generating the maximum UV possible. The Varipower Control Panel, with up to 21 automatic power levels, reportedly assures perfect adjustment of UV output to web speed to ensure minimum web temperatures.

Flexo Press Prints Labels, and More
Omet s.r.l., Lecco, Italy; ph: +39 (0)341367513; fax: +39 (0)341284466.
The Varyflex flexo press is said to offer the flexibility to print labels, flexible packaging, and folding cartons. Co. reports: Sleeve system is designed for rapid change on-press; electronic drive with independent gearless motors and printing plate holding cylinder has an infinitely variable length; automatic adjustment of the traverse and lengthwise preregister allow operator to reach perfect color register rapidly; and removable inking cartridge eases replacement and cleaning.

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