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Every coating process engineer and equipment operator wants to know where to start when a coating problem surfaces with their product, so let’s start with the surface of the problem.

The ultimate aim of the narrow web converter is essentially the same as it is for their counterparts operating in wide web converting

PLASTIGLAZE is the name of an impregnating solution for paper and other fibrous or porous materials.

Dyne tests only work when you do it right

Launched just a year ago in January 2019, the Alliance to End Plastic Waste (AEPW) began bringing together organizations that make, use, process, sell, collect and recycle plastics in order to tackle the challenges of plastics waste from all angles.

Plastic films are non-porous and typically have low surface tension. 

Consumers are conscious about packaging sustainability and showing their appreciation of sustainable packaging at the checkout counter

What’s next in inkjet and the many reasons to adopt it.

Currently flexible packaging represents approximately 19 percent of the total $170 billion U.S. packaging industry and is the second largest packaging segment behind corrugated paper.

Printing can be a tedious and hectic job. But with great printers and well-managed printing services, the job can be run smoothly.

Flexible packaging makes the most of converters' capabilities, from printing, to form/fill/seal, pouches and many aspects that are the growth stars of the industry.

The Association of International Metallizers, Coaters and Laminators (AIMCAL) has issued a Call for Papers for the 2020 AIMCAL R2R

While the sustainability of packaging has been an important topic for brand owners for several years, the need to implement meaningful solutions has significantly gathered pace in the last year or two.

While at the AIMCAL R2R conference this past October in Myrtle Beach, S.C., I finally had the chance to sit down and enjoy a few sessions provided by industry experts.

Whether you are a converter-manufacturer, printer, equipment and supplies company—substrates impact your business every day.